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Pupil Premium - Levels of Provision

Leadership and Management  

  • The Head Teacher and SLT lead the whole school in taking responsibility for diminishing the achievement gap. The Improvement Plan priority is embedded in the practice and ethos of the school.
  • The Pupil Premium Lead oversees the organisation of all additional provision, working closely with the Deputy Head and the Head Teacher to track the progress of pupil premium children and evaluate the impact of all provision. They also allocate resources purposefully and report termly to Governors.


  • Diminishing the difference for Pupil Premium children continues to be a key focus of the School Improvement Plan with actions identified and tracked across all subject areas by Team Leaders. Thus all leaders within the school are specifically involved in the raising of attainment for Pupil premium children.

 School Level

  • In order to raise self-esteem, give opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills and to involve children in decision making, we ensure that PP children are well represented in school activities. 

  • We will use adult mentors to act as coaches for children who may lack confidence to take part in activities such as: Assemblies and performances, School council, Monitor roles, Guides for visits.

  • Two Learning Mentors who support Pupil Premium children in class and with additional support outside of class where needed.

  • Our Pupil Support Lead and Pupil Premium Champion works with families, supporting with housing, resources, uniform, food etc with the aim of raising academic achievement and closing the gap.

  • Ensuring that children have enrichment opportunities e.g.after school clubs and pantomime experiences.

Class Level 

The key purpose of our Pupil Premium funding is to remove any barriers to learning and allow pupils to make at least expected and, whenever possible, accelerated progress.

Children will receive some/all of the following support:

  • adult mentors

  • pre-teaching/enrichment/trips to ensure full access to the curriculum

  • booster groups – after school and holiday times

  • targeted adult support in small groups

  • Pupil Support Lead/home school support time focussed on under-achieving Pupil Premium children and families

  • We support our vulnerable children at all transition points, but particularly at secondary transfer. 

  • Spring Trust Opportunities – We have developed cross –Trust opportunities from Nursery-Year 6 to ensure progress of PP children e.g., joint trips and visits, visits to partner schools.

Enrichment Opportunities 

School tracks the uptake of all Out of School Learning for Pupil Premium children.

We remove barriers to participation by:

  • Funding places in each School Clubs run by the school.
  • Targeting children for specific clubs and removing barriers to participation by, for example, subsidising school trips and journeys.
  • BYMT and PE specialist coaches contribute to the planning and delivery of lessons, enhancing the curriculum and developing the skills of all staff. As part of our whole school approach to closing the gap, developing the talents of the targeted children in every class is one of their key goals.