How do we measure needs at Leesons?
Progress is measured though the use of both formative and summative assessment three times a year for children with or without SEN. Target tracker is used to help monitor and track individual progress. Those with an EHCP will have an additional yearly review in addition to the above mentioned meetings. On entry all reception and nursery children are screened for speech and language to gain a baseline assessment of development. Throughout the year on-gong monitoring takes place by class teachers to identify pupils who are not making enough progress due to a possible learning need, behaviour need, poor attendance, or English as an additional language.
For those children identified as not making enough progress, even if a special educational need has not been identified the following steps are put into place, where applicable:
- Booster groups before/during or after school– measured through entry and exit data
- Pixel Interventions for English and Maths– measured through the tracking system
- Short term targeted group or individual work as identified on the class provision map– measured through entry and exit data
- Additional RWI support– measured through entry and exit data
- Social skills and self esteem support via our Lighthouse Pastoral Team measured through evaluation
- Speech and Language groups —measured by entry and exit data
- EAL Speech and Language groups-measured by entry and exit data
- Support from the Pupil Support Lead (if external factors are identified)
Identification of Need
Early identification of need or difficulty is essential to ensure that the correct support can be put in place for the pupil especially if progress continues to be slower than expected.
According to the SEN Code of Practice (2015, 6.17) inadequate progress is demonstrated when a pupil:
- Is significantly slower than that of their peers starting from the same baseline
- Fails to match or better the child’s previous rate of progress
- Fails to close the attainment gap between rate of progress
- Widens the attainment gap
Following discussions with key staff and parents and if your child continues to show inadequate progress or difficulties with their learning or social development additional provision will be put into place. If the provision required is ‘additional to and different from’ that provided within the differentiated curriculum, special educational support will be provided.