Half Termly Homework
Homework is a vital process for all children for a range of reasons: reinforces learning, consolidates knowledge, develops time management skills, facilitates mastery of specific skills and encourages a thirst for learning. Therefore at the start of each half term, Year 6 pupils will be provided with a complete overview of every homework task that needs to be completed. Homework should be completed weekly, commencing on a Friday with an expectation that it will be returned by the following Thursday.
Dojo points and 'Star Homework of the Week' will be issued for those who take the time and care to produce amazing pieces of homework. We are happy for parents to assist their child(ren) with the set tasks but do encourage your child(ren) to complete as much as possible by themselves, as this will help to develop their level of independence. All homework set is explained to the Year 6 pupils before being sent home and is linked to the learning that is currently taking place in class.
The homework tasks for each half term can be downloaded below: