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Learning in Year 2

Termly Overview - Spring Term


During our first half-term, the children will be exploring the book 'Diary of a Killer Cat' by Anne Fine.  This is a funny story about a cat that seems to have killed a rabbit! 


During our second half-term, the children will be looking at 'The pirates next door' by Jonny Duddle which is a humorous cartoon-style fantasy story.  

We will be finishing off with 'Bananas in my ears' by Micheal Rosen which is a brilliant collection of nonsense stories, poems, riddles and rhymes. 


This term in Maths we are covering a variety of topics including:

  • division
  • data 
  • shapes


In science, we will explore living things and their habitats, followed by plants in the second half of spring term as the weather warms up.  



In Art we will be looking at printing using lots of different techniques in the first half-term.  

Cross Section Tea Towel | 36 Tea Towels That Are Way Too Cute To Actually Use  Super Fun Celery Stamped Flower Craft for Kids !

In the second half of the term we will be looking studying food technology and making dips!


We will be exploring Pbuzz which is a wind instrument.


The children will explore the UK in detail looking at the 4 countries it is made up of, major cities, the weather, the physical features, and we will finish by comparing the UK to a non-European country.  


The children will look at the Jewish festival Passover in the first half-term and them Easter in the second half-term.  


The first half-term we will be looking at digital art using Sketchpad.